Den siste uken har jeg hørt på “The sexual vitality summit” med Susan Bratton. Mange interessante intervjuer! Blant annet ett med Ben Greenfield. Han snakket om kosttilskudd for å øke testosteron. Her var boron ett av flere. Jeg tar jo hårmineral analyse hvert halvår. Så jeg sjekket den nyeste av disse for å se hva boron nivået var. Det viste seg at Boron var på rapporten, men sto som N/A. Altså Not Applicable. Det tydet på at laboratoriet ikke målte boron i håret. Så da lurte jeg på hvorfor.
Jeg sendte en email til ARL – Analytical Research Laboratories. Det er stort sett disse jeg benytter. Og spurte om hvorfor Boron ikke var målt på hårprøven. I samme omgang sendte jeg det samme spørsmålet til TEI (Trace Minerals Incorporated) og DD (Doctors Data) – to konkurrerende laboratorier, som jeg tidligere også har benyttet.
Jeg fikk et interessant svar fra ARL:
With regard to boron testing, the reason we do not report boron readings is that our laboratory uses borosilicate glass in the testing process of the hair, which contains boron. Due to the leaching of the boron from the glass, all test results run outside the normal test range and are not stable.
Borosilicate glass is a type of glass with the main glass-forming constituents silica and boron oxide.
Borosilicate glasses are known for having very low coefficients of thermal expansion, making them resistant to thermal shock (going from hot to cold), more so than any other common glass. Such glass is less subject to thermal stress and is commonly used for the construction of reagent bottles (laboratory test tubes and beakers).
As for using a different type of glass, all glass contains some boron. Plastic has been considered, however, other contaminants are used in plastic.
Fra Doctors Data fikk jeg som svar at de tester for boron:
Thank you for your email. Boron is tested in our Hair Elements Profile.
Fra Trace Minerals har jeg dessverre ikke fått noe svar på min henvendelse.
Tkachenko Andrey Zinovievich, 1926 – 2004. Soviet Ukrainian painter. Honored Artist of Ukraine. Member of the USSR Academy of Arts. Tkachenko Andrei Zinovievich was born April 13, 1926 on the farm Druzhevetsk (Orel region, Russia). In 1957 he graduated from the Penza Art School named after K. Savitsky, where he studied at IS. Goryushkina-Sorokopudova. In 1996, A. Tkachenko was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine”. His works are in private collections in Ukraine and abroad.
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Oppdatering 26 desember 2022. Calcium fructoborate.