Ett problem idag er at veldig ofte blir ufarlige, helbredende, billige helsemedikamenter forbudt. Vi ser det med urter – ofte forbudt å selge og importere i Norge. På norske sykehus er intravenøs C-vitamin forbudt. Men cellegift er greit. Nå med corona ser vi det med Ivermectin og Hydroxychloroquine. To legemidler med utgått patent. Som derfor er billige og burde være enkle å produsere og lett tilgjengelige. De har vært brukt i mange tiår. Nå er de mer eller mindre forbudt. Men eksperiementelle vaksiner er greit.
Siste på listen er NAC – N-acethyl-L-cysteine. Dette er en glutathione precursor med aminosyren cysteine som sentral ingrediens. Dette middelet har vært solgt i mange, mange år som kosttilskudd. Jeg har brukt det mye selv for avgiftning og synes det fungerer. Nå viser det seg at NAC fungerer mot corona og corona vaksinebivirkninger. FDA i USA er igang med å forby det som kosttilskudd. Det skal klassifiseres som legemiddel. Amazon har fjernet det fra sin nettbutikk. Konsekvensen er at istedenfor å kunne kjøpe det billig på internett, må man gå via lege. Lege tar tid og koster penger. I tillegg blir det helt sikkert dyrere å kjøpe selve tilskuddet, og man får det i piller med mindre NAC i.
En åpenbar skjevhet i helsesystemet og et demokratisk problem.
Heldigvis har mat, brukt riktig, ofte helbredende virkninger. Og vi har fortsatt lov å gå ut i naturen og sanke. Og vi har endel informasjonskilder fra gamle dager. Da leger praktiserte medisin uten at alt skulle dreie seg om symptomdempning, apotekmedikamenter og vaksiner.
Bestemoren min var forresten botaniker. Hun arbeidet en periode på apotek, før hun ble hjemmeværende med barn i mange år. Hun hadde en grønn avlang beholder til å ha om skulderen til å samle vekster i. Hver sommer hadde hun skole for oss barnebarna. Vi gikk ut i naturen og samlet planter, laget herbarie, lærte blomsters navn og utseende. Jeg husker fortsatt mye, det kom tidlig og ble en del av meg.
Turpentine er et gammelt legemiddel laget fra grantrær og furutrær. Det har mange bruksområder. Det er billig å kjøpe eller man kan enkelt lage det selv. Tom Cowan podcast episode 29 med gjest Andy Kaufman: turpentine historie, indikasjoner og sikker bruk. Hvordan turpentine fungerer. Turpentine har få bivirkninger og er effektivt mot mye.
Mercks Manual er en oversikt over sykdommer og virksomme legemidler som gis ut omtrent hvert 5. år. I Mercks Manual fra 1899 var turpentine. I senere utgaver ble turpentine tatt ut (kanskje var det på denne tiden legene heller ville tjene penger enn å helbrede folk og begynte med symptomdempning istedenfor helse). Nedenfor følger en oversikt fra 1899 utgaven over sykdommer turpentine er oppført som middel mot.
Har man en lidelse kan man enkelt søke i Mercks Manual og se om det finnes lett tilgjengelige preparater. Mange andre praparater enn turpentine er også omtalt.
Creekwood Naturals. 100% Pure Gum Spirits of turpentine. Jeg har mailet med de. Kan også kjøpes på ebay. Diamond G forest products turpentine. Kan også kjøpes på ebay, noe jeg akkurat har gjort. Turpentine på wikipedia.
MM Part II 1899. Therapeutic Indications. For the Use of the Materia Medica and Other Agents.
Turpentine kan fungere mot:
- Adynamia. Weakness, svakhet. See also, Anemia, Convalescence, Neurasthenia. –> Turpentine Oil
- Albuminuria. See also, Bright’s Disease, Nephritis. –> Turpentine: as diuretic, 1/2 to 1 minim dose every two to four hours.
- Amenorrhea. See also Anemia, Chlorosis. –> Turpentine.
- Angina Pectoris. Hjertekrampe, smerter i brystet. –> Turpentine Oil: locally to the chest during paroxysms.
- Anthrax. Carbuncle. Gruppe med blemmer med puss i. –> Terebene or Oil Turpentine: antiseptic application.
- Bright’s Disease, Acute. Nyresykdom, nephretitis, assosiert med hjertesykdom, høyt blodtrykk, hevelser. See also, Albuminuria, Hematuria, Scarlet Fever, Uremia. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Bright’s Disease, Chronic.—See also, Dropsy, Uremia. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Bronchitis, Acute.—See also, Cough. –> Turpentine Oil: when expectoration profuse; also as inhalation or stupe.
- Bronchitis, Capillary.—See also, Cough. –> Turpentine Oil: in languid circulation in the capillaries.
- Bronchitis, Chronic.—See also, Cough, Emphysema. –> Turpentine Oil: as liniment to chest in children.
- Bronchorrhea.—See also, Cough. –> Turpentine Oil: stimulant expectorant, and also as inhalation.
- Calculi.—See also, Gravel. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Calculi, Biliary.—(Gall-stones.)—See also, Colic, Jaundice. –> Turpentine Oil and Ether (Durande’s remedy): Equal parts to relieve pain during paroxysm; also occasionally as prophylactic along with a course of Carlsbad or Vichy water.
- Cancer.—See also, Uterine Cancer. –> Chian Turpentine: benefits according to some—acc. to others, it is useless.
- Catalepsy. –> Turpentine Oil: as enemata and embrocations to spine during paroxysms.
- Catarrh, Chronic Nasal.—See also, Ozena. –> Turpentine Oil: as liniment to chest.
- Epilepsy.—See also, Hystero-Epilepsy, Convulsions. –> Turpentine Oil: if due to worms.
- Epistaxis.—See also, Hemorrhage. –> Turpentine Oil: internally in passive hemorrhage.
- Erysipelas.—See also, Phlegmon. –> Turpentine.
- Fever.—See also, the titles of the fevers in their alphabetical order. –> Turpentine Oil: stimulant in typhoid, puerperal, and yellow, and to stop hemorrhage in typhoid.
- Flatulence.—See also, Colic, Dyspepsia. –> Turpentine Oil: few drops internally, or as enema in fevers, peritonitis, etc.
- Gangrene.—See also, Wounds, Gangrenous. –> Turpentine Oil: internally, and by inhalation.
- Gastric Ulcer.—See also, Hematemesis. –> Turpentine Oil: frequently repeated, to check hemorrhage.
- Gleet.—See also, Gonorrhea. –> Oil Turpentine. Turpentine Oil: in a condition of relaxation.
- Gonorrhea.—See also, Chordee, Gleet, Orchitis; Rheumatism; Gonorrheal; Urethritis, Urethral Stricture, Vaginitis. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Hematemesis. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Hematuria. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Hemoptysis.—See also, Hematemesis. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Hemorrhage and Hemorrhagic Diathesis. See also, Dysentery, Ecchymosis, Epistaxis, Hematemesis, Hemoptysis; Hemorrhage Postpartum, Intestinal; Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Purpura, Wounds, etc. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Hemorrhage, Intestinal.—See also, Hemorrhoids, Dysentery, Typhoid. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Hemorrhoids. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Hepatic Diseases. See also, Biliousness, Calculi, Jaundice, Cancer, Hepatalgia, Hepatic Congestion, Hepatic Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Jaundice. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Hydrocephalus, Acute. See also, Dropsy. –> Turpentine Oil: by mouth or as enema at commencement.
- Impotence. See also, Emissions, Spermatorrhea. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Inflammation. See also, Bronchitis, Pleuritis, etc. Also list of Antiphlogistics. –> Turpentine Oil: as stupe.
- Iritis. See also, Syphilis. –> Turpentine Oil: in rheumatic iritis.
- Jaundice. See also, Hepatic Cirrhosis, Hepatic Diseases, Calculi. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Joint Affections. See also, Arthritis, Bursitis, Coxalgia, Gout, Rheumatism, Synovitis. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Leucorrhea. See also, Endometritis, Uterine Ulceration, Vaginitis. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Lumbago. See also, Myalgia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. –> Oil Turpentine. Turpentine Oil: internally and locally.
- Meningitis, Cerebral, Spinal and Cerebro-Spinal. See also, Meningitis, Tubercular. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Meningitis, Tubercular. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia. See also, Amenorrhea, Hemorrhage, Uterine Tumors. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Mentagra. –> Oil of Turpentine.
- Metritis (Para- and Peri-). See also, Puerperal Fever, Puerperal Metritis. –> Turpentine Oil. Turpentine Stupes.
- Nephritis, Acute. See also, Albuminuria, Bright’s Disease. –> Turpentine Oil: one minim every two to four hours.
- Neuralgia. See also, Gastralgia, Hemicrania, Hepatalgia, Otalgia, Ovarian Neuralgia, Sciatica, Tic Douloureux, etc. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Onychia and Paronychia. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Ovaritis. –> Turpentine Oil: as counter-irritant.
- Peritonitis. Bukhinnebetennelse. See also, Puerperal Peritonitis. –> Rectal Tube: milk or asafetida or turpentine injections, in tympanites. Turpentine Oil: for tympanites (Tympanites is a medical condition in which excess gas accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract and causes abdominal distension, from greek “drum”).
- Perspiration, Excessive. See also, Night-Sweats, Feet. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Pertussis (Whooping Cough). See also, Cough. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Phthisis. See also, Cough, Hemoptysis, Hectic Fever, Perspiration, Night Sweats, Laryngitis, Tubercular; Meningitis, Tubercular; Peritonitis, Tubercular; Tuberculosis, Acute; Tuberculous affections. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Pleurodynia. Postpartum infeksjon. See also, Neuralgia. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Pleuro-Pneumonia. –> Turpentine Oil: locally.
- Pneumonia. See also, Pleuro-Pneumonia. –> Turpentine Oil: as stimulant at crisis.
- Prostatitis. See also, Prostatorrhea; and Prostate, Enlarged. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Puerperal Fever. See also, Puerperal Peritonitis. –> Turpentine Oil: when much vascular depression and tympanites.
- Puerperal Peritonitis. See also, Puerperal Fever. –> Turpentine Oil: as stimulant, frequently repeated.
- Purpura. Utslett, bloduttredelser. See also, Hemorrhage, Scurvy. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Pyelonephritis. Nyreinfeksjon pga bakterie. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Pyemia. –> Oil Turpentine: as stimulant.
- Remittent Fever. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic. See also, Arthritis, Lumbago, Myalgia, Pleurodynia, Sciatica. –> Oil Turpentine. Turpentine Oil.
- Sciatica. See also, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. –> Turpentine Oil: in 1/2 oz. doses internally for three or four nights successively.
- Scurvy. See also, Cancrum Oris, Purpura. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Spermatorrhea. See also, Emissions, Hypochondriasis, Impotence; also list of Anaphrodisiacs. –> Turpentine Oil: in spermatorrhea with impotence.
- Spinal Congestion. See also, Meningitis, Myelitis. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Sprains. –> Turpentine Liniment: a stimulant application to be well rubbed in.
- Tape-Worm.—See also, Worms. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Tic Douloureux. See also, Hemicrania, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Odontalgia. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Tinea Circinata (Ringworm of the Body). See also, Ringworm. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Typhoid Fever. See also, Hemorrhage, Intestinal; Rectal Ulceration; Tympanites. –> Turpentine Oil: at end of the second week, 10 minims every two hours, and every three hours in the night; specific if the diarrhea continues during convalescence.
- Typhus Fever. See also, Delirium, Typhoid Fever. –> Turpentine Oil: in the stupor.
- Ulcers and Sores. See also, Chancre, Chancroid, Bedsores, Throat; Gastric, Intestinal and Uterine Ulceration; Syphilis. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Variola (Small-Pox) –> Turpentine Oil.
- Worms. See also, Chyluria, Tape Worm; and list of Anthelmintics. –> Oil Turpentine.
- Wounds. See also, Bed Sores, Gangrene, Hemorrhage, Inflammation, Pyemia, Surgical Fever, Ulcers; also, list of Antiseptics. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Yellow Fever. See also, Remittent Fever. –> Turpentine Oil: for vomiting.
79 oppføringer. Kan brukes mot mye.
Part III—Classification of Medicaments According to their Physiologic Actions
Turpentine er klassifisert som:
Anthelmintics. –> Oil Turpentine.
Antiseptics. See also, Disinfectants. –> Oil Turpentine.
Diaphoretics and Sudorifics. –> Oil of Turpentine.
Diuretics. –> Chian Turpentine. Oil Turpentine.
Expectorants. –> Oil Turpentine.
Irritants. –> Oil Turpentine.
Styptics and Hemostatics. –> Oil Turpentine.
Liste over antihelmintic praparater:
- Acid, Filicic.
- Acid, Tannic.
- Alum.
- Ammonium Embelate.
- Arecoline Hydrobromate.
- Aspidium.
- Chenopodium.
- Chloroform.
- Creolin.
- Creosote.
- Eucalyptol.
- Koussein.
- Naphtalin.
- Oil Turpentine.
- Oleoresin Male Fern.
- Pelletierine Tannate.
- Pumpkin Seed.
- Quassia Infusion.
- Resorcin.
- Santonin (with calomel).
- Sodium Santoninate.
- Spigelia.
- Thymol.
Testicle, Diseases of.
See also, Epididymitis, Hydrocele, Orchitis, Varicocele.
- Acid, Phosphoric, and Phosphates: in debility.
- Aconite: in small doses frequently repeated in acute epididymitis.
- Ammonium Chloride: solution in alcohol and water; topical remedy.
- Antimony: in gonorrheal epididymitis.
- Belladonna: in neuralgia of the testis; as an ointment with glycerin in epididymitis or orchitis.
- Collodion: by its contraction to exert pressure in gonorrheal epididymitis.
- Compression: at the end of an acute and beginning of a subacute attack, as well as in chronic inflammation.
- Conium: poultice of leaves in cancer.
- Copaiba: in orchitis.
- Digitalis: in epididymitis.
- Gold salts: in acute and chronic orchitis.
- Hamamelis: In some patients gives rise to seminal emissions.
- Hot Lotions: in acute inflammation.
- Ice Bag: in acute orchitis.
- Ichthyol.
- Iodine: Injection into an encysted hydrocele; local application in orchitis after the acute symptoms have passed off.
- Iodoform or Iodoformogen: dressing in ulceration.
- Magnesium Sulphate with Antimony: in epididymitis.
- Mercury Bichloride.
- Mercury and Morphine Oleate: in syphilitic enlargement and chronic inflammation.
- Nitrate of Silver: ethereal solution painted around an enlarged testis better than over.
- Nux Vomica: in debility.
- Potassium Bromide.
- Potassium Iodide: in syphilitic testicle.
- Pulsatilla: in very small doses along with aconite.
- Suspension: in orchitis and epididymitis.
- Traumaticin.
Annet fra MM-1899
- Ring-Worm. See also, Tinea, etc.
- Tape-Worm. See also, Worms. –> Turpentine Oil.
- Rosacea. See Acne Rosacea.
- Roseola. See also, Measles.
- Small-Pox. See Variola.
- Syphilis. See also, Chancre, Condylomata, Ptyalism, Ulcers.
- Male Fern for worms — Extract Male Fern: followed by purgative.
- Tetanus. See also, Spasmodic Affections.
- Thrush. See Aphthæ.
- Tinea Circinata (Ringworm of the Body). See also, Ringworm.
- Tinea Decalvans (Alopecia Areata) See also, Tinea Circinata.
- Wasting Diseases. See Emaciation.
- Worms, Thread, (Ascaris Vermicularis).
- Worms. See also, Chyluria, Tape Worm; and list of Anthelmintics. –> Oil Turpentine.
- belladonna
- male fern worms
- Levico Water.