Brev fra Ukraina mars-2024

Sørøst Ukraina. Krig mot Russland siden februar 2022.

Vår historie.

Navnet mitt er Vitaliy, og jeg er 35 år gammel. Jeg er gift og har en datter som er 7 år gammel. Vi er flyktninger fra Ukraina. Jeg ønsker å fortelle vår historie, om hvor vi bodde før, hva vi gjorde, og hvordan vi endte opp i Norge.

Vi bodde i en liten by sør i Ukraina, 60 kilometer fra Krim. Vår by var omgitt av hav på begge sider, med Azovhavet på den ene siden og Svartehavet på den andre. Vår region var preget av sletter og endeløse jorder der solsikker, raps, soyabønner, hvete, mais og mange andre avlinger ble dyrket. Spesielt vakkert var det om sommeren når alle disse avlingene blomstret. Sommeren var svært varm hos oss, og vinteren var mild.

Jeg har økonomisk utdannelse og jobbet før krigen i en bankfilial. Samtidig drev jeg og utviklet min lille gård hvor jeg avlet griser og høns. Jeg likte jobben min og gården min. Min kone har tre høyere utdannelser, hvorav en er i økonomi. Hun jobbet i 15 år i skatteetaten.

Om sommeren pleide vi å tilbringe mye tid på stranden, bade og sole oss, gå turer langs stranden og grille kjøtt og grønnsaker. Om vinteren dro vi til Karpatene, fjellene i vestlige Ukraina. Der kjørte vi på ski, snowboard og ridning. Livet vårt var helt tilfredsstillende, vi planla for fremtiden og alt skulle være bra.


Før den store krigen var det mange nyheter om at Russland samlet tropper ved grensen og planla å invadere. Men våre myndigheter beroliget oss og sa at det ikke ville bli krig og alt ville være bra. Men den 24. februar, rundt klokka 4.30 om morgenen, hørte jeg en uforståelig lyd på gaten. Først skjønte jeg ikke hva det var, jeg gikk ut på gaten og hørte lyden som fikk hjertet mitt til å banke som om jeg løp en maraton. Det var lyden av raketter som kom, på himmelen fra Krim-siden var det lyst, det var fra den siden russerne invaderte vår region. Vinduene i huset vårt ristet, jeg kunne føle vibrasjonen fra eksplosjonene. Om morgenen stoppet alt, det ble stille. Klokken 6 om morgenen var det mange mennesker og biler på gaten, folk var i panikk og visste ikke hva som hadde skjedd og hva de skulle gjøre, akkurat som oss. Rundt klokken 10 så jeg de første russiske tankene og militærkjøretøyene, de kjørte på den nærliggende gaten, det var så mange av dem at den siste tanken passerte flere timer senere. Senere fortalte venner meg at militærteknologien kjørte på alle veier de kunne. Vi forsto at vi var okkupert. Det var som en skremmende drøm, men forskjellen var at en drøm er et resultat av hjernens aktivitet og om morgenen, når du våkner opp, forsvinner drømmen og du husker ingenting, men dette var virkelig.

I de første månedene av okkupasjonen så vi ikke russiske soldater, det var relativt stille i byen vår, dagen før krigen evakuerte politiet, brannvesenet og alle andre spesialtjenester. Fordi det ikke var noe politi i byen, begynte det å bli uro og plyndringer. Vanlige folk og de politibetjentene som nektet å forlate samlet seg og begynte å patruljere gatene om natten, jeg var også med dem. Vi gikk praktisk talt hver natt og passet på at det ikke ble uro.

Etter noen måneder dukket det opp russere i byen vår og begynte å etablere sin egen autoritet og lover. De tilbød folk å jobbe for dem, noen sa ja, men de fleste sa nei. Militæret sto på veiene utenfor byen og sjekket dokumenter og biler. Russiske soldater begynte å bosette seg i tomme hus. De var overalt. En morgen gikk jeg langs min gate, og jeg følte meg ikke som om jeg var hjemme. Det føltes som om jeg var i et annet land. Mange familier forlot byen vår i løpet av okkupasjonen. De dro gjennom frontlinjen der det var en spesiell evakueringskorridor. Senere skjøt russerne på kolonnen med biler som ventet på muligheten til å passere, og etter det ble korridoren stengt. Det var bare én vei ut, gjennom Krim og Russland.

Vi levde under okkupasjon i 8 måneder. Etter de første angrepene på Kertsj-broen, som forbinder Krim og Russland, og våre myndigheters oppfordring til evakuering, bestemte vi oss for å dra. På den tiden var det nesten ingen unge mennesker igjen i byen, bare eldre som ikke ville forlate hjemmene sine.


Jeg har en venn som kom til Norge med familien sin, han foreslo at jeg skulle dra til Norge, siden det er trygt her, og den norske regjeringen hjelper flyktninger fra Ukraina. En morgen tok vi med oss det vi kunne få plass til i bilen, og dro av gårde. Totalt kjørte jeg omtrent 3500 kilometer, tre dager kjørte vi gjennom Russland, og tre ganger ble bilen vår og vi sjekket, første gangen var ved grensen til Krim, andre gangen på Kertsj-broen, og tredje gangen ved grensen til Russland-Latvia. Alle tre gangene ble jeg avhørt av russisk politi og etterretning. De spurte hvor vi skulle, hvorfor, om jeg hadde venner som var militære, og mye annet. Da vi kom til Latvia, følte jeg en lettelse og frihet, vi bodde i Riga i fem dager, slappet av og prøvde å komme oss etter alt som hadde skjedd. Etter det tok vi en fergebillett og seilte til Sverige. Samme dag kom vi til vennene våre i Norge. Neste dag dro vi til immigrasjonstjenesten, der vi fortalte alt som hadde skjedd med oss og hvor vi kom fra. Etter det dro vi til et senter hvor flyktninger bor, der venter alle på videre fordeling, vi bodde der i tre måneder, og om våren fikk vi beskjed om at de hadde funnet et hjem til oss. Det ligger i en vakker by nær vennene våre. I morgen er det ett år siden vi flyttet hit. Nå forstår jeg hva det betyr å begynne på nytt og hvilke vanskeligheter som følger med det. Men det viktigste er at vi er i sikkerhet.


Letter from Ukraine march-2024

Our history.

My name is Vitaliy, and I am 35 years old. I am married and have a daughter who is 7 years old. We are refugees from Ukraine. I want to tell our story, about where we lived before, what we did, and how we ended up in Norway.

We lived in a small town in southern Ukraine, 60 kilometers from Crimea. Our town was surrounded by sea on both sides, with the Azov Sea on one side and the Black Sea on the other. Our region was characterized by plains and endless fields where sunflowers, rapeseed, soybeans, wheat, corn, and many other crops were grown. Especially beautiful was the summer when all these crops were in bloom. Summer was very hot with us, and the winter was mild.

I have an economic education and worked in a bank branch before the war. At the same time, I was building and developing my small farm where I raised pigs and chickens. I liked my job and my farm. My wife has three higher educations, one of which is in economics. She worked for 15 years in the tax administration.

In the summer, we often rested at the seaside, swam and sunbathed, walked along the beach, and grilled meat and vegetables. In winter, we went to the Carpathian Mountains, the mountains in western Ukraine. There we skied, snowboarded, and rode horses. Our life was completely satisfactory; we made plans for the future, and everything was supposed to be good.

Before the full-scale war, there were many news reports that Russia was gathering troops on the border and planning to invade. But our authorities reassured us and said there would be no war, and everything would be fine. But on February 24, around 4:30 in the morning, I heard an unfamiliar noise outside. At first, I didn’t understand what it was; I went out onto the street and heard a sound that made my heart race as if I were running a marathon. It was the sound of rockets coming; in the sky from the side where Crimea is, it was bright, that was the side the Russians invaded our region from. The windows of our house shook, I could feel the vibration from the explosions. By morning, everything stopped; there was silence. At 6 in the morning, there were many people and cars on the street; people were in panic and didn’t understand what had happened and what to do, just like us. Around 10, I saw the first Russian tanks and military vehicles; they were driving on the nearby street; there were so many of them that the last tank passed several hours later. Later, friends told me that military equipment was driving on all the roads they could. We realized that we were occupied. It was like a terrible dream, but the difference was that a dream is the result of our brain’s activity, and in the morning when you wake up, the dream goes away, and you don’t remember anything, but this was real.

In the first months of the occupation, we did not see Russian soldiers; it was relatively quiet in our town; the day before the war, our police, firefighters, and all other special services were evacuated. Because there was no police in the city, unrest and looting began. Ordinary people and those police officers who refused to leave gathered together and started patrolling the streets at night; I was also with them. We went almost every night and made sure there were no disturbances.

After a few months, Russians appeared in our town and started to establish their authority and laws. They offered people to work for them; some agreed, but most refused. The military stood on the roads outside the city and checked documents and cars. Russian soldiers began to settle in empty houses. They were everywhere. One morning I walked along my street, and I didn’t feel like I was at home. It felt as if I were in another country. During the occupation, many families left our city. They left through the front line where there was a special evacuation corridor. Later, the Russians shot at the column of cars waiting for the opportunity to pass, and after that, the corridor was closed. There was only one way out, through Crimea and Russia.

We lived under occupation for 8 months. After the first attacks on the Kerch Bridge, which connects Crimea and Russia, and our authorities’ call for evacuation, we decided to leave. At that time, there were almost no young people left in the city, only the elderly who did not want to leave their homes.

I have a friend who came to Norway with his family; he suggested that I go to Norway since it is safe here, and the Norwegian government helps refugees from Ukraine. One morning, we packed what we could fit into the car and left. In total, I drove about 3500 kilometers; for three days, we drove through Russia, and three times our car and we were checked. The first time was at the border with Crimea, the second time on the Kerch Bridge, and the third time at the border between Russia and Latvia. All three times I was questioned by Russian police and intelligence. They asked where we were going, why, if I had friends who were military, and much more. When we entered Latvia, I felt relief and freedom; we stayed in Riga for five days, rested, and tried to recover from everything that had happened. After that, we took a ferry ticket and sailed to Sweden. The same day we arrived at our friends’ in Norway. The next day we went to the immigration service, where we told everything that happened to us and where we came from. After that, we went to a center where refugees live; there, everyone waits for further distribution; we lived there for three months, and in the spring, we were told that they had found a home for us. It is located in a beautiful city near our friends. Tomorrow will be a year since we moved here. Now I understand what it means to start over and what difficulties come with it. But the most important thing is that we are safe.


Amys parasitt program

Min venn Amy fra USA har lang profesjonell og personlig erfaring med parasitter og parasitt infeksjoner. Her er hennes beste parasitt tips.

Calling all Parasite Warriors! Here’s my tips on killing roundworm.

First, a little about me: I worked 20 years as a research wildlife biologist, capturing and releasing thousands of big game animals like deer, elk and bighorn sheep for restoration and research. I also investigated wildlife disease outbreaks. Poop was the cornerstone of much of my work. It provided valuable information on what animals ate, how stressed they were, what diseases they had and most importantly what parasites they carried. So when I got sick with Lyme, 6 co-infections, and multiple parasitic infections, I applied the science I knew so well on myself and my friends with Lyme.


I am focusing on roundworm because of dr Klinghardts axiom: “kill large to small”. Remove big guys like roundworm and the smaller guys like spirochetes, other bacteria and viruses will be much easier to kill. He has said that “80% of CFS patients have worms” and “Lyme Disease is not the cause of what we call Lyme Disease; parasites are (2015 Thriive talk). He has also said that the difference between an asymptomatic Lyme patient and one in a wheelchair is toxic load (chemicals and heavy metals) and the amount of resulting parasites. He believes we have parasites because of toxic load and the toxic load must ultimately be reduced to control parasites. Klinghardt oneradionetwork.

Roundworm are a formidable foe. This is because humans are the obligate host of Ascaris lumbricoides and we have co-evolved over millennia. They are extremely adaptive and are not easy to kill. They release loads of endotoxins and use a lot of our nutrients. As a result, Lyme patients with roundworm tend to have very low energy and carry a kind of sadness that has become unmistakable to me.

It is also very easy to become re-contaminated. Our food, especially if grown in Mexico, and even if organic, carries eggs and it’s difficult to kill and remove them all no matter what you soak your vegetables in. We ingest the eggs and they hatch in the small intestine. The larvae borrow through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Here the immune system tries to kill the larvae and they are surrounded by white blood cells. If you are immune compromised from Lyme, or you have too many larvae, you may not mount an effective defense and the larvae travels to your lungs. You cough up the larvae and swallow. Now the larvae can grow into adulthood. Adults live attached to the small intestinal wall (and sometimes the colon wall) but detach to mate during the time around the full moon. (This is why they are easier to dislodge). Eggs are laid and the cycle repeats itself. Time from egg to full grown adult is 2-3 months. Adults range between 6 and 16 inches. In the worst cases, you can have hundreds of worms (rarely thousands).

A – Klinghardt-Yu protocol

A. The Klinghardt parasite protocol (based on Dr Simon Yu protocol) is outlined at the bottom of this post. It uses 5 Rx medications: (Praziquantel/Biltricide), Ivermectin, Pyrantl paomate, Albenza (I substituted Mebendazole which I found easier to tolerate) and Alinia. Of these, all but Alinia kill roundworm in my experience and all should be energy tested for compatibility before proceeding. There is a lot of information on these meds so I just want to say that if you are loaded with roundworm and other nematodes as well as protozoa, be prepared for rocky times. I have done this protocol 4 times but took breaks when I got too sick and/or lowered dosages. If you can’t tolerate Rx meds, choose not to use them, or need breaks between Rx cycles, here are alternatives that have worked for me:

B – Foods

B. Foods: Eat 1-2 for 1-3 days. Beginning with the most palatable they are:
-Figs. Biopure Paraficus 1 – 3 tablespoons. Or fresh figs (6 small or 4 large). Both strong. Amazon BioPure Paraficus Organic Freeze-Dried Ground Figs.
-Pomegranate. One whole one including seeds or 1 TBS powder (fresh is stronger).
-Papaya seed (1 TBS ground with half a medium papaya)
-Pumpkin seed from jack o lantern pumpkins (other pumpkin seeds are relatively weak)
-Raw collard green (I blend into a green drink with romaine lettuce and zucchini)
-Green chile (1/2 to 1 cup) or jalapeños. Don’t eat if ultra sensitive to nightshades!
-Horseradish, wasabi, or fresh ground or juiced ginger: as much as you can stand.

IMPORTANT: if you eat these foods regularly, they will not work because the parasites develop resistance. Only foods that you never or rarely eat will work. The only exception to this, at least for me, is figs. They always work and I freeze them for use in the winter.

Jeg legger til: ananas, hvitløk, kokosnøtt.

C – Herbs

C. Herbs. Add 2 of these: 1 to 2 caps of each am and pm. Take with something sweet to trick the roundworm into taking a big gulp. Any of these can be lyophilized (comment: made liposomal) with a blender, ultra sonic jewelry cleaner and a phospholipid which will increase their potency but I find that they are powerful as is.
-Mimosa pudica from Biopure. They sell powder which I encapsulate. I find that more palatable than drinking in water. Hopkinton Drug does capsules but not as strong.
-Black walnut hull extract
-Olive leaf extract
-Aloe ferrox (note: strong laxative and can cause cramping)
-Biopure artemesian and Biopure Neem

-Humaworm, the first herbal formula I tried, killed a few dozen worms on days 1 and 2. Composed of 25 herbs, some of which are allergenic to many people. I ended up buying the individual ingredients so I could eliminate the five that were problematic for me and my results were just as good. Humaworm may also customize their formula for you. Humaworm.

-Ann Louise Gittleman formulas. I haven’t tried them yet but she knows her stuff. Loved her book, Guess what came to Dinner. Ann Louise.

-A note about clove: this makes some people sick (including me) and doesn’t kill eggs as purported so I see no point in taking it unless you like it.

-Ten in One rizol oil from Biopure. Fill a small glass with a little water. Drop 1-10 drops of oil on water. Put a little more water on top and drink. If you don’t do it this way the ozonated oil will stick to the glass. Ten in one is the only thing that killed my fish tapeworm. Extremely powerful. Start with small dose.

D – Suppositories

D. Suppositories (rectal pills, stikkpille). I have not tried Biopure rizol and nexus suppositories but I love the idea. They support Klinghardt’s strong recommendation that its best to get parasites out whole; less decomposition means less toxin release. This is more likely to happen with suppositories (for making your own see thedetoxdudes suppositories.

Klinghardt says they also come out whole with MMS enemas, which I have not tried but friends that have report they have good success.

E – Strategies

E. Strategies:

  1. Alternate herbs and food. Energy test everything.
  2. Take something everyday unless you are feeling too toxic.
  3. Take 3 day to one week breaks but no longer than one week. You will be doing this continuously as much as you can tolerate, not just once a month on full moon nights.
  4. Do coffee enemas to clear toxins. Parasites do not like coffee enemas either. If can’t tolerate coffee do warm water, saline, or fennel tea enemas. You may need 2-3 a day. There is almost nothing as toxic as worms so once they are dead you want them out quickly. If possible also do colonics, especially if cannot do enemas. If you can’t do enemas or colonics, you will have to do laxatives. Whatever you do, don’t begin a parasite treatment program if you are constipated. You will become very sick.
  5. Always rotate parasite killers to overcome resistance
  6. Take yeast killers and metal chelators concurrently because roundworms sequester metals and yeast and release them when they die. Klinghardt says that parasites harbor 200x more lead and mercury than the tissues of host. Ideally he says you should do a metal elimination protocol 6 weeks to 2 months before doing a parasite cleanse. For this he likes Biopure zeolite with horsetail in it, biosil, horsetail tea (up to 6 cups a day) and large doses of chlorella. He also likes to pair Biopure cilantro tinture (special variety is grown by Biopure) 30 min before meal with a 30 min ionic footbath (one to two times a week—not more). He says that neither is effective alone. The footbath ionizes the water and this stimulates the kidneys through the feet to filter metals through blood. The stuff you see in the water is irrelevant. It’s what comes out in the urine that is significant, which is usually highest on day three.
  7. Take digestive enzymes and Betaine HCL with every protein meal. It is thought that low stomach acid contributes to roundworm persistence. Type A blood types tend to have low stomach acid whereas type O have high. You may not need Betaine HCL if Type O.
  8. Examine your poop! Otherwise you won’t know if you are successful. With food and herbal killers roundworm tend to come out partially digested. What do they look like? Worms! Stringy worms! Up to 16 inches long. They also tend to float. Prescription meds may dissolve roundworm and you may not see them. Mucus may look like roundworm. If unsure, run warm water over them. Roundworm will not dissolve but mucus will. How much to examine depends on you. You can poke around with a plastic fork or you can strain the contents, rinse with warm water, and have a clear picture of your results. I went a step further and dissected my finds.
  9. Keep journal with results.
  10. Take pictures to show your friends when they ask what you’ve been up
  11. Track the moon cycle and mark the full moon on your calendar. This is when you are going to hit parasites with your strongest protocol. Parasites are most active a few days BEFORE a full moon. By the time the moon is full mating has already slowed down. Most experts recommend starting a few days before and end a few days after. You kill more when you treat during active periods because roundworm detach from the intestinal walls to mate. Also some parasite experts say they are as active on new moon nights but I haven’t experienced this myself.
  12. Take Bulletproof coconut charcoal or another ammonia binder like yucca root or L-theanine before bed. Roundworms (as well as Lyme bacteria) release ammonia and stimulate glutamate release which increases adrenalin. This is what makes you feel so sick, wired and tired. Additionally, if you have significant mutations like CBS, COMT, BCMO1, ACT, SOD2, PON1, GAD, NOS, HFE, and MTHFR like me, you already have high free radical production, which is only made worse with parasite treatment. That is why it is important to do 23 and me genomic testing and use Bob Miller’s MethylGenetic Nutrition program to interpret. I am very impressed with the number of important snps in Bob’s program (more geared to Lyme than Nutrahacker and Sterlings App) and the information to address the mutations in my consult with him. Bob Miller, Tree of Life.
  13. Take Calcium-d-Glucarate to rapidly decrease adrenalin and the anxiety it causes. Whenever you feel anxious take it. I take 500 mg capsules one to 3 times a day with or without food. It is not calcium. It also binds toxins and helps ensure proper estrogen metabolism to prevent estrogen sensitive cancers. Enhances phase 2 liver detox pathway.
  14. Increase fiber — soluble and insoluble. The bulk helps expel roundworms. Good sources are avocado, sweet potato, butternut or other winter squashes. Psyllium seed husk is also good but only if you tolerate it.
  15. A note about bile: low bile production may also contribute to persistence of roundworm. Dandelion root tea stimulates bile production and phosphatidylcholine, IV or gelcaps helps produce and thin bile. Bile is mostly made up of phosphatidylcholine. Because bile is so important to digest food and control roundworm, liver flushes are very beneficial. These clear the stones that block the ducts and gallbladder from releasing bile. They also are terrific at flushing liver flukes and roundworm as well as dead worms, larvae, and eggs in the ducts. They are my least favorite treatments to do, but I find that almost nothing makes me feel as well afterward. I also feel that without cleaning the ducts you will always have a reservoir of re-infection.
    Alternatively you can also do castor oil packs and liver compression as highly advocated by Klinghardt: youtube THRiiiVE Summit #13: Liver Compression Technique (Dr Dietrich Klinghardt). Klinghardt likes to emphasize that you have 2000 miles of bile ducts.
  16. A note about testing: Klinghardt generally does not recommend parasite testing because most parasites self-destruct within 20 minutes of being expelled and are jelly upon arrival. I sent my poop to Africa and the lab report said I had nothing. I sent it to Genova Labs twice and ditto (other than protozoa). The only lab that turned up anything significant was Diagnos-Tech. They diagnosed me with pork tapeworm, which was close: I actually had a fish tapeworm—30 feet long — I got from eating undercooked Alaskan King salmon. I now cook all my fish until well done and haven’t eaten sushi since. Three days of 10 drops of Ten-in-one rizol killed the tapeworm – but that’s a story for another time.
  17. A note about dark field microscopy: I thought I was done with roundworm treatment until I went to Germany a few years ago for apharesis. They drew my blood, put it under the microscope, and roundworm larvae appeared. The doctor said this is not uncommon—especially in American Lyme patients. My white blood cells were attacking them but this meant I was still infected. This brings up the question: Are you ever done? I am not sure. But I do know that the renewed energy is worth the effort. The more parasite and toxin cleansing I do, the better I feel. When full of parasites you can’t be you.

Klinghardt prescription protocol

Klinghardt Rx Parasite Protocol: The following drugs are used for a year in rotation to kill parasites.

  1. Biltricide 600 mg – twice daily, every 12 hours for two days. Absorption increases most when taken with a high carb meal. A high fat meal increases it almost as much. Take with grapefruit juice to increase absorption also.
  2. Ivermectin. 12 mg four times per day for fourteen days (take at the same time as Pyrantel Pamoate) on an EMPTY stomach. Can cause side effects in eyes. I have been advised to stop if my eyes begin to blur which happened. Some versions say to take 4 mg 4 times a day. This is what I did.
  3. Pyrantel pamoate (liquid – 4 teaspoons) 1000 mg per day at bedtime for fourteen days. Or compounded capsules.
  4. Albenza 400 mg – Two 200 mg tablets twice per day every 12 hrs for 14 days (after completing 14 days on Ivermectin and Pyrantel). Take with food and FAT. Some people drink a few shots olive oil.
  5. Alinia 1000 mg – Two 500 mg tablets twice per day (every 12 hrs) for fourteen days (after completing Albenza).
  6. Mimosa Pudica (Biopure) – ½ teaspoon 2x/day for fourteen days mixed in water or juice.
  7. Arteminisin (Biopure) – 200mgs 2x/day for fourteen days. Take with 4 oz. of grapefruit juice 30 minutes before meals to potentiate effect.

Ivermectin needs to always be taken on an empty stomach.
Albenza with a fatty meal or a few shots of olive oil, at a minimum.
Billtricide best with carbs and fat.
Key Pharmacy can compound all of these and will be cheaper for some esp albendazole.
All Day Chemist is an offshore pharmacy that is also cheaper. May require Rx now.

Ascaris Lumbricoides (roundworm).

Ascaris Lumbricoides (roundworm). Cylindrical body, it has differentiated sexes, the male can grow from 10 to 31 cm long, while the female from 25 to 35. The female’s extremities are conical, and in the case of the male, the rear extremity is curved. The female can lay, daily, near to 200,000 eggs during its lifetime, which lasts between 12 and 18 months. Bildet fra flickr.

Bannerbildet av Ascaris Lumbricoides fra wikipedia.

Oppdatering 4. april 2024. I Egypt er parasitter vanlig og legene der kjenner godt til problemet. Dr Samir Ahmed.

Flat jord og beregning av når båt forsvinner bak horisonten

Anta du står på land og ser en seilbåt reise i retning horisonten. Hvor langt må den seile før den er bak horisonten og ikke lengre synlig på grunn av jordens krumning?

Noen lurer fortsatt på om jorda er rund eller flat. På facebook argumenterer Christian Paaske for flat jord. Det er interessant å lese. De overbeviste kaller seg gjerne flatearthers. Jeg tror jorda er rund. Men er åpen for å høre andre syn på saken. Dessverre er ikke argumentene til flatearthers veldig overbevisende. Et argument som går igjen er “ja men når du ser utover havet så er det jo flatt”. Men det er selvsagt fordi kulen er så stor.

Et motargument er observasjonen at båter forsvinner gradvis over horisonten. Man kan regne ut avstanden til horisonten, og avstanden til når båten forsvinner helt bak horisonten. Man kan så sette opp et eksperiment og se om tallene stemmer med virkeligheten. Hvis beregningen stemmer med eksperimentet tyder det på at båten forsvinner bak horisonten på grunn av jordens krumning og at jorda dermed er rund.

Forenklinger. Vi ser i det følgende bort fra gravitasjonens virkning på lyset. Vi ser bort fra vanndamp som endrer lysets brytning. Vi ser bort fra bølger.

Beregning horisont og forsvinningspunkt

Anta du står ved havet og skuer utover horisonten. Det er intet land eller øyer eller andre ting som hindrer utsikten. Anta en seilbåt reiser fra der du står i retning horisonten. Seilbåten er 5 meter høy over havoverflaten (h2). Du selv står på en stein og det er 2 meter fra havoverflaten til øyehøyde (h1). Vi antar at jorda er rund. Etterhvert vil du på grunn av jordens krumning ikke kunne se de nedre delene av seilbåtens skrog. Dette begynner å skje når seilbåten har nådd horisonten. Hvor langt må seilbåten seile før hele seilbåten er ute av syne (l1+l2 i horisontallinje, eller det mer nøyaktige b1+b2 langs jordens buede overflate)? Angi svaret i meter. Eller eventuelt anta at avstanden til horisonten er H og angi svaret som en multiplikator av H.

Utledning av formler for avstandene. h1 er høyden av observatøren. h2 er høyden av båten. l1 er horisontalavstanden fra observatør til horisont. b1 er avstanden fra observatør til horisont langs jordens buede overflate. l2 er avstanden fra horisonten til punktet der båten forsvinner ut av syne. b2 er denne avstanden langs jordens buede overflate. Avstanden fra observatør til punktet der båten forsvinner ut av horisonten blir (l1+l2) eller (b1+b2).
Utledning av formler for avstandene. h1 er høyden av observatøren. h2 er høyden av båten. l1 er horisontalavstanden fra observatør til horisont. b1 er avstanden fra observatør til horisont langs jordens buede overflate. l2 er avstanden fra horisonten til punktet der båten forsvinner ut av syne. b2 er denne avstanden langs jordens buede overflate. Avstanden fra observatør til punktet der båten forsvinner ut av horisonten blir (l1+l2) eller (b1+b2).
Avstand fra observatør til punktet der båten forsvinner ut av horisonten kan uttrykkes om H*sqrt(h2/h1). Hvis observatøren er 2m høy og båten er 200m høy blir dette H*sqrt(200/2)=10H. Avstanden fra horisonten til båtens forsvinnigspunkt er 10 ganger avstanden fra observatør til horisont.

Observatørhøyde 2m og båt 5m lengde 13km

2m høy observatør, 5m høy båt. Avstanden til horisonten er rundt 5km. Avstanden fra observatør til punktet der båten forsvinner bak horisonten er rundt 13km, eller mer nøyaktig 13029m.

Make an image of a big sailboat going in the direction of the horizon. The boat has just passed the horizon so that parts of the lower hull is not visible. The curvature of the earth is visible. The sky is grey and with clouds.

Observatør 2m og båt 100m lengde 41km

2m høy observatør, 100m høy båt. Totallengde rundt 41km, mer nøyaktig 40 741m.

Observatør 2m og båt 200m lengde 56km

2m høy observatør, 200m høy båt. Totallengde rundt 56km, mer nøyaktig 55 524m.

Båten forsvinner fortere og fortere fra synet når den har kommet over horisonten punktet. Det er på grunn av jordens krumning.


Brighton og den engelske kanal

Jeg var i Brighton i 2019 på et ART kurs. Her er det uhindret utsikt utover den engelske kanal mot Frankrike. I horisonten var det vindmøller og en oljerigg. Det så ut som de nedre delene, spesielt oljeriggen, skjult av horisonten.

Utsikt over den engelske kanal fra Brighton. Vindmøller og en oljerigg (til høyre i bildet) er delvis skjult i horisonten på grunn av jordens krumning.


Jeg stilte spørsmålet til chatgpt 3.5 og chatgpt 4.0. Viste seg at gratisversjonen chatgpt 3.5 svarte best. Ingen av de klarte hele oppgaven. Jeg stilte spørsmålet med 2 forskjellige formuleringer. De svarte best når formuleringen var “chatty” med litt ekstra informasjon som ikke var strengt nødvendig for å løse oppgaven. Kanskje er dette en egenskap ved LLM modeller, Large Language Models. De er ikke regnemaskiner med kan ved hjelp av opptrening på det skrevne ord og en meget stor datamodell sette sammen setninger korrekt.

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  2. En “chatty” spørsmålsformulering fungerte best
  3. Begge svarte mye feil. Vanskelig å avgjøre hva som er riktig og galt uten å kjenne fasiten.

Chatgpt3.5 første spørsmålsformulering

chatgtp3.5. Den klarer første del av oppgaven. Men ikke andre del. Den er flink til å snakke usant så det er ikke åpenbart hva som er riktig og galt uten å ha gjort beregningene selv.
Her blir det helt feil. Den klarer ikke engang enkel algebra. I overgangen mellom nest nederste linje og nederste linje ser den bare bort fra faktoren 25.

Chatgpt3.5 andre spørsmålsformulering

Jeg lurte på om en mer presis formulering av spørsmålsstillingen ville hjelpe.
Av en eller annen grunn legger den til høyden av båten når den skal finne avstand fra observatør til horisont. Mer presis spørsmålsstilling hjalp ikke. chatgpt35 er en LLM og ikke et regneprogram. Så den liker åpenbart at spørsmålene er litt chatty og ikke bare inneholder den helt essensielle informasjonen.

Chatgpt4.0 første spørsmålsformulering

Samme problemstilling for betalingsversjonen, chatgpt4.
Den klarer på et vis å beregne avstanden til horisonten selv om tekst og beregninger ikke helt samsvarer. Men den klarer ikke å beregne avstanden fra horisonten til punktet der båten forsvinner. Gratisversjonen chatgpt35 klarte oppgaven bedre.
Den legger sammen høyden til observatør og båt for å finne “effektiv høyde”. Tror ikke det blir riktig.

Chatgpt4.0 andre spørsmålsstilling

En mer presis formulering av spørsmålet. Her er det lite som er riktig.