Tags: jaw mouth
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Peder, 24. mars 2020, to Center for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy, LA, California, implantperiocenter.com: Hi, I have just seen the Gateway to health Summit. Dr Alina Krivitsky mentioned in her interview that Dr Joseph Choukroun has a method to make receding gums grow back. Is this so? I have receding gums and would like such treatment. Would it be possible to know a bit more about this procedure? See the pictures below. Kind regards, Peder (from Norway) (pictures were taken march 25. 2020, 4 days after breaking a 32 day long waterfast).
This post has pictures of my face in the sagittal plane.
Joseph: You must go to your dentist in order to get a strict diagnosis. I don’t see any emergency.
Peder: Ok. Just one question. If one has receding gums – is it at all possible to make them grow back?
Joseph: No. They need surgery. PRF can help to minimize the invasivity.